How to Sign Up and Participate
GOAL: 150 events dedicated to the legendary American violinist Maud Powell
WHEN: All during 2017/2018 and annually thereafter
THEME: Music is a Bridge that Spans the Universe
PARTICIPANTS: All people throughout the world who love music
If you want to know if Maud Powell performed in your city, click to view her tour schedules
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Anyone can participate by dedicating a concert or a performance
of a particular piece of music, or by dedicating a special "event."
Your "event" can take place anywhere in the world in any venue.
Contact us at maudpowellsociety@gmail.com to Sign Up. Include all details
about your event: Title, date, time, location, description of the event or program,
tickets, etc.
Then we can place your event on our 150th Events Calendar.
EVENTS: Concerts, School Visits by Musicians, Presentations/Lecture-Recitals, Essays, Poetry,
Works of Art, State History Projects, Exhibits, Compositions, School Projects, and more
(click here for Program/Event Suggestions) Highlights from "events" will be appear on our
"Showcase of Events" page on our web site and on The Maud Powell Society's Facebook page.
DEDICATION: Specifically dedicate your “event” to Maud Powell. Simply make a dedication
from the stage or in the printed program or in some way appropriate to the nature of your "event."
Sample Dedication:
"Tonight's concert is dedicated to Maud Powell, the legendary American violinist who dedicated her life and art
to serving music and humanity. Through her art radiated her love for the violin, music and humanity.
OUR SUPPORT: Supportive materials, such as Maud Powell photographs, programs, biographical and tour information, recordings, and children’s books are available from the Maud Powell Society. Programming ideas as well as suggested units for school presentations will be available on the Maud Powell Society web site.
You may send us Highlights from "events" that we can place on our "Showcase of Events" page on our web site and on The Maud Powell Society's Facebook page. We may place video clips of events on the Maud Powell Society YouTube channel. Please contact us at: info@maudpowell.org
HOW TO SIGN UP: Contact us at maudpowellsociety@gmail.com .